



How many calories in coffee

How many calories in coffee,you will think of it after you drink coffee. We all know that drinking coffee can promote metabolism and aid weight loss.

Grab a cup of coffee before and after exercise and after a meal, which can help us digest and burn fat better. But, does the coffee we drink have calories?

First of all, black coffee has almost no calories. Although coffee contains fat and protein, the calories of a cup of black coffee are 1-5 calories, which is almost negligible. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, drinking high-quality black coffee is an unburdened choice! But if you join stuff below:
1. Add milk
Whole milk contains about 62 calories per 100ml, which is equivalent to walking for 17 minutes or jogging for 7 minutes. A 12-ounce cup of latte contains at least 300ml milk
2. Add sugar packet
A sugar packet weighs 5g and contains about 20 kcal. Equivalent to-5 minutes of walking or 2 minutes of jogging.
3. Add whipped cream
Each 100g of fresh cream contains about 393 calories. Equivalent to-109 minutes of walking or 45 minutes of jogging.
4. Add chocolate sauce
20g of chocolate sauce contains about 45 calories.
5. Add flavored syrup
Each 50ml syrup contains about 172 calories.

What is the concept of these calories?
A bowl of rice (100g) has 116 calories
Unexpectedly how high the calories of these coffees are, right? The staple food not eaten in order to lose weight is made up for the coffee that I have drunk! Therefore, drinking good black coffee is the key!

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