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Brazilian coffee exports hit record high means Brazil need more drip coffee bag packing machine

Brazilian coffee exports hit record high means Brazil need more drip coffee bag packing machine

Brazilian coffee exports hit record high in recent years, which means there is no purchase demand for Drip coffee bag packing machine!

According to data released by the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Association, in 2021, Brazil will export a total of 40.4 million bags of coffee (60 kg per bag) to 122 countries and regions, with an export value of more than 6.2 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 10.3%, a record high in the past seven years.

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer and exporter. Nicolas Rueda, president of the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Association, said that despite the low production cycle of Brazilian coffee last year due to frost and the outstanding problems of international shipping, exports still achieved growth. In addition to the traditional export markets such as the United States, Germany and Italy, the sales of Brazilian coffee in the Chinese market have been increasing in recent years, and China has become the main export destination of Brazilian coffee.

In order to continuously improve the international competitiveness of coffee products, Brazil pays more attention to the production and promotion of specialty coffee. More professional evaluations have been introduced in varieties, planting, picking, and roasting. Brazilian coffee companies are also actively participating in exhibitions and competitions around the world to promote specialty coffee.

Besides, to increase the additional profit, set up coffee production by drip coffee bag packing machine, instant coffee bag packing machine, and produce the finished coffee bag with private label and brand name, which is under process, and then sells coffee bag to USA market, Germany market, UK market, and China, etc.

South Minas Coffee Cooperative is a well-known coffee company in Brazil. It has 7,500 franchised farmers and its coffee is sold to more than 10 countries and regions. The coffee taster Maria of the cooperative said that specialty coffee strictly implements the relevant standards of international coffee quality certification, and the taster will make a comprehensive judgment from the aroma, acidity and aftertaste of the coffee, and finally determine its score. Usually, more than 80 points can be called specialty coffee. The company also provides free training courses on planting technology and farm management for franchised farmers, and holds regular exchange activities to jointly improve coffee production and quality.

In recent years, Brazilian coffee farmers and enterprises have also paid more attention to introducing the concept of environmentally friendly planting. Last year, some coffee farms experimented with exporting "carbon neutral" coffee - reducing nitrogen fertilizers, increasing organic compounds, and using underground irrigation systems to "reduce emissions" from the coffee production process. Compared to regular coffee, each bag of "carbon neutral" coffee can earn growers 100 reais more ($1 is about 5.1 reais). At present, a number of coffee retailers have proposed cooperation intentions to these "carbon neutral" coffee farms.

In 2021, Brazil's coffee exports to China will increase by 65% year-on-year. Rueda believes that the growing demand for Brazilian coffee in the Chinese market is "very encouraging".

Rodrigo Dora is the founder of a Brasilia-based coffee company. In recent years, he has traveled to China for inspections and exhibitions many times. Dora said that China's coffee market is very broad, and the rapidly developing e-commerce industry has created huge opportunities for Brazilian coffee merchants, "As Brazilian coffee gains more and more attention in the Chinese market, Brazilian coffee exports will surely achieve faster increase".

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