Drinking coffee can counteract the side effects of drinking and reduce the risk of liver cancer?
Drinking coffee can counteract the side effects of drinking and reduce the risk of liver cancer, from the latest research, do you believe in it?
Seems our life cannot live with coffee! Except that it can satifiy your desier, wake up you in the morning, coffee can even reduce the physical side effects caused by drinking 3 glasses of alcohol a day, and reduce the risk of liver cancer.
The report of the new research is published by the World Cancer Research Fund, and from the report, they claimed they do some study about the relationship between the coffee and harmful effects after alcohol and found that for those who drink and drink coffee, the side effects of alcohol on the body can be partially offset by the benefits of coffee.
And report of the new research from World Cancer Research Foundation also told us the how much coffee you need to drink a day to reduce the side effects of alcohol - about 45 grams a day (equivalent to 3 cups) drink a cup of coffee a day to help. Daily coffee news from drip coffee bag packaging machine manufacturer!