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Coffee production

How to make Instant Coffee Bag?

How Instant Coffee Bag is produced? 

We all know that coffee is introduced to China from abroad. Just like tea, we are a big country in production. We know every process of producing tea, but for coffee we are quite strange to it. However, we are fortunate to be associated with coffee and tea, and is committed to the production of coffee packing machine, so we made an Article for the instant coffee bag, from the birth of coffee to the coffee production process. Please kindly let's take a look!

Generally speaking, everyone acknowledges that coffee was firstly discovered in the place of Abyssinia, which is now Isobia. According to rumors, an Abyssinian shepherd found that the goat began to dance after eating some bright red fruits and leaves. By the facts discovered by Kaldi, some monks can wake up in the middle of the night prayer meeting and they use coffee as their refreshing agent. Coffee is likely to be planted in the sixth century. At first people just ate coffee leaves and beans (then called bunn), but when it began to evolve, there was a time to eat snacks, wine or tea has risen, and there was also a sweet drink called qishr which was also found to be good. One of the snacks. It has been said that at some point in the sixteenth century, coffee baking and brewing methods have been invented and have been used until now.

Instant Coffee Bag brand (3 in 1)

Coffee beans are the seeds of coffee cherries. Every winter (dry season) is the harvest period, and there are many ways to harvest red cherries. The beans themselves are covered by many layers of material, including a silvery outer skin, resembling a pergamino, mucus, pulp, and its case. The interaction of these sweet pulps with the coffee beans themselves determines the taste of many coffee beans; the same method used when coffee beans are removed from the cherry also affects its taste. There are basically three methods of treating coffee beans that are removed: wet, dry, and semi-wet and semi-dry.

Once the coffee cherries are removed, they must be sent to the processing of agricultural products. The cherries that were picked include mature, over-mature, and immature, all mixed together. If these cherries are not treated separately, the quality of the obtained coffee beans is really unbearable because it contains many impurities with poor taste. Therefore, these cherries should be washed first and placed in a large tank filled with water for preliminary classification. The best coffee is denser, so it sinks into the water. Overripe cherries will surface and it will be easy to classify. Low-quality coffee is not left for internal consumption, or sold to instant coffee producers in the US or Europe. Unfortunately, those cherries that are not yet mature will sink to the bottom of the water and are mixed with mature cherries. So those cherries that are not yet mature will use the wet treatment method, or after a while, use the dry treatment method to classify them.

During the moist treatment process, the ripe cherries are squeezed out of the juice. If handled properly, only mature cherries will be squeezed out of the juice; and the succulent cherries that are not yet mature will be separated. The extracted beans are sent to the fermentation tank and soaked in water for about 8-20 hours.

Instant coffee ingredients (3 in 1)

At this time, the viscous liquid component in the coffee beans has been filtered out. The coffee beans produced by the moist treatment method are characterized by a bright and clean taste. However, compared to the coffee beans produced by the drying process, it is not so strong and strong.

After the mucus is removed from the fermenter, the coffee is either naturally dried on the terrace or dried using a machine; or both are used to dry. Coffee processing in almost all coffee-producing areas is dominated by the drying process, as the differences between the coffee beans produced by this method are very small. The main purpose of this treatment is to prevent the fermentation of the beans so that the coffee beans do not produce molds that contain the taste of a soft, fruity fruit that is disgusting.

If the wet treatment method is not used, the dry treatment method (natural treatment method) can be used because the weather conditions in some areas are suitable for the manufacturer. After the internal division of the cherry seeds, especially after the removal of the viscous material inside; the coffee beans can be simply dried, and can be dried on a large terrace or dried using a machine. Using this method, the time takes a little longer and it is easier to ferment. In any case, the coffee beans treated by the dry process always have a long contact time with the sweet mucilage; therefore, the treated coffee beans will be sweeter and heavier. The acidity, cleanliness, and taste in coffee often disappear during processing. Coffee beans using natural treatment are commonly used for espresso.

Instant Coffee Bag manufacturer (3 in 1):

The third treatment, called semi-moist treatment (natural flesh removal), is a relatively new and relatively rare method. This method is also only suitable for use in certain areas of certain countries, where there is a considerable drying period in the climate before it can be used to treat local coffee. The coffee produced by this method is sticky and the mucus is not removed by fermentation in the tank. Therefore, the coffee produced by this semi-moisture treatment contains both the wet treatment method and the dry treatment method. The acidity, sweetness, flavor, and aroma of such coffee are quite good; the only thing is that such coffee is not as strong as the coffee produced by purely dry or moist treatment.

When the coffee beans are dry, place them in a pergola with a vine shed. It is only opened until it is placed in a shelling operation before it is shipped out. The purpose of this is to completely maintain the fragrance and taste of the coffee itself. The coffee beans after the shelling are placed in a burlap bag in units of 60 kg and ready for export.

Instant Coffee Bag production process - Instance Coffee Bag packing

Next, the coffee importer will send the coffee to the country's manufacturers for baking. The baking of coffee is the most important treatment for its own flavor development. The flavor of the coffee itself changes its taste, the bean body, the aroma, and the acidity as it bakes. Light baking can produce a lot of flavors, aromas, and acidity; while heavy baking produces thicker beans and a cup of more intriguing coffee. Unfortunately, the heavy roasting of coffee is basically to stabilize the quality of the coffee beans, and it is therefore difficult to hide the defects of the coffee beans themselves.

After the coffee beans are roasted, they can be mixed and brewed in a variety of ways; they can be cooked with espresso machines, or cooked by French press, vacuum pot, drip, etc., and so on. And the different cooking methods have to grind the coffee beans into different coarse and fine particles. Since coffee is easy to lose fresh products, the most important skill in grinding coffee is how much to grind. There is currently no packaging on the market that can preserve the taste of ground coffee.

Instant Coffee Powder wholesale (3 in 1)

The taste of coffee itself is quite limited by the way it is brewed. The coffee brewed with Espresso has a heavier taste, a stronger aroma, and a more complicated process. The drip coffee is clean and bright, and retains more original flavor. The French brewed coffee has almost all the original flavor, as well as the unique inconsistency of the coffee itself, but the acidity is slightly gone. And if you use the coffee from the vacuum pot, it is clean and scented. In fact, if you want to drink every kind of brewing method, the temperature and time are just the most important places.

Instant Coffee Bag Production - Instant Coffee Bag Packing(3 in 1)

After Coffee was ground into powder, and they are divided into 5 gram each bag by hand. But nowadays, due to high technology, they are packed by Instant Coffee Bag Packing Machine. Also they are made into Drip Coffee Bag by Drip coffee bag packing machine.

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