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How to measure the moisture content of green coffee

Moisture content in coffee beans is ritical in order to optimize the quality potential of the beans and reduce the likelihood of problems.
How to measure the moisture content of green coffee
How roasters should care about moisture content of green coffee beans:
1. Coffee Roaster must keep the green beans stored on site within acceptable moisture levels for quality standards, typically for no more than a year.

2. When roasting in early stage, Coffee Roaster needs to squeeze the moisture out of the beans by applying high temperature heat and pressure. During these few minutes, the coffee is exposed to maximum energy, and the success or failure of roasting depends on complete dehydration.

What is ideal moisture content of green coffee
There is no official standard for the ideal moisture content of green coffee, although the ICO suggests 11% is a good target. However, 10-12% is generally considered a reasonable range. Any moisture content below 10% may result in a decrease in the quality of the coffee flavor, whereas the higher the moisture content, the easier it is for mold to grow.

Coffee water content is not static. Although the drying process prior to export greatly improves the stability of green beans, changes in moisture content are still possible. Environmental factors, such as being in particularly humid or hot locations, are a common cause of changes in moisture levels.

Green coffee bean storage temperature: Temperature suitable for 18°C-22°C and Raw beans stored in sacks
Green coffee beans are very similar to people in many places, such as the storage environment. A comfortable environment for people is the environment suitable for green beans: dry, not dry or wet, cool, neither cold nor hot, the only exception is light, green beans should be protected from light exposure . Raw beans are crops and also need to breathe. Therefore, in theory, the best storage material is clean, odorless, and breathable material. This is also the reason why burlap bags, straw woven bags and even natural oak are used in coffee production areas all over the world.

How to measure the moisture content of green coffee:
1. Drying box moisture detection method to measure the moisture content of green coffee: 

The drying oven method is also called oven drying method or pyrolysis weight loss method. The sample is dried in an oven at 105±2°C under normal pressure until it has a constant weight, and the lost weight is moisture. That is, by calculating the weight difference of the sample before and after drying, the moisture content or the volatile content at 105°C can be calculated, which can be divided into two types: atmospheric pressure drying method and reduced pressure drying method, and the principles are the same.

2. Coffee moisture meter to measure the moisture content of green coffee: The heating unit and the moisture evaporation channel quickly dry the sample. During the drying process, the moisture content % lost by the sample is continuously measured and displayed immediately. After the drying process is completed, the final measured moisture content value is locked and displayed. Compared with the international oven heating method, halogen heating can achieve high heating power in a short time, and the sample is quickly dried at high temperature. in the oven method. General samples can be quickly determined.

As for roasting coffee with less water content, there is no need to think too much. Whether it is high-altitude and high-density beans or old beans, the physical principle is the same: less water content, the basic strategy is to dehydrate at low temperature and low heat, and the goal is to roast The dehydration stage achieves the consistency of dehydration and maintains the proper heat for the next roasting stage.

How do you remove moisture from coffee?
Dry the coffee on ground under sun to remove moisture from coffee bean.
How to measure the moisture content of green coffee
Daily coffee news from Drip coffee bag packing machine manufacturer.


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