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Ramón seeds from Breadnut tree or Brosimum alicastrum

The breadnut tree or Brosimum alicastrum is an important tree species that grows in the wet and dry tropical forests of Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean islands. The bread tree is also known as the ramón tree, asli or Cha Kook in Maya, and it usually grows at an altitude of 1,000-6,500 feet. The fruits have a small, elongated shape, similar to apricots, although they are not particularly sweet. The seeds are edible nuts that can be ground and used in porridge or flour. Modern Maya society consumes fruits, cuts wood and uses leaves as animal feed.

There are a lots of advantages for breadnut tree:The bread tree among the agate trees, the fig Brosiumum alicastrum, may have also played a role among the ancient. Historically, the tree was used for fruit, wood as fuel, and as a brush for animal feed.

Besides, Ramon flour of Ramón seeds from breadnut tree is high in potassium, fiber and tryptophan. These amino acids help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Fresh Ramon seeds can be boiled like potatoes or dried and ground into flour. Flour does not contain fat and gluten and is an excellent additive to increase the fiber and nutrients in baked goods.

As well-known, Ramón seeds have twice the amount of calcium as corn, oats or quinoa. They are very high in potassium with 3-4 times as much as corn, oats or quinoa. 

My client had plan to produce the Ramon seed flour powder tea bag! And lucky lucky, we have tea bag packing machine to pack the Ramon seed flour powder from the breadnut tree(Brosimum alicastrum)
tea bag packing machine manufacturer, Ramon seeds


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