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How many type of coffee a automatic packing machine can produce

There are many categories of coffee drinks on the cafe menu, including Cortado, Piccolo, Flat white, Latte, Cappuccino, etc. The differences between them mainly lie in many aspects. For example, Cappuccino's milk will not be heated above 62°, and Cortado will not be heated above 54°. In contrast, Starbucks does not specifically limit the temperature of beverages, and the temperature at which a cup of Cappuccino comes out with milk and milk froth is 73°. And every time the temperature rises, the lactose (essentially sugar) in milk is broken down.

Different coffee, its coffee extraction amount, the ratio of milk and coffee, the total liquid volume of the finished coffee and the temperature of the finished coffee, etc. Likewise, the difference in the base of the milk coffee, the espresso, plays a crucial role in the final taste of the milk coffee.

How many type of coffee a automatic packing machine can produce?

1. Latte coffee:
Latte: The conventional capacity of a cup of latte is 8 ounces, which is 240ml, and the traditional production ratio is: a single espresso 30ml + milk. According to different cup types, sometimes different cafes will make adjustments according to different cup types.

However, no matter how it is adjusted, the main flavor of the latte is "a cup of milk with coffee flavor", and the surface of the coffee will be made of delicate latte with thin milk foam.

If a customer orders "Give me a latte, no milk!", the barista may wonder: should the customer order espresso, or really want a latte without "milk"?

If a customer really asks: "Give me a cup of latte coffee, no milk!", then consider that the customer may not be able to receive milk, and you can consider recommending vegetable milk or other modulated milk for the customer.

2. Cappuccino coffee:
Cappuccino: The regular capacity of a cup of cappuccino is 6 ounces, which is 180ml. The traditional production ratio is: single espresso 30ml + milk + thicker milk foam.

Cappuccino cups usually use thick-walled porcelain cups to ensure good thermal insulation performance. At the same time, the diameter of the bottom of the cup and the mouth of the cup are not very different, so the angle of the cup wall is generally about 100 degrees. And the mouth of the cup is generally not very large, otherwise it is difficult to make the effect of 12 points full.

3. Cortado coffee:
Cortado: It is a traditional Spanish Cortado with a regular capacity of 3 ounces, which is 90ml. Traditional production ratio: 1:1 small amount of warm milk is added to espresso: first pour espresso, then add warm milk.

It belongs to the milk coffee pie with Espresso as the base, and the cortado is more like a cappuccino with less milk foam. The size of the coffee cup required for this coffee is very special, it will be between Espresso and ordinary coffee, because the total cup volume is 60ml, so you need to use a cup of about 80ml-90ml. But the Cortado's specialty is served in a fine glass shot glass.

4. Piccolo Latte coffee:
Piccolo Latte: The conventional capacity of a cup of latte is 3oz, which is 90ml, and the traditional production ratio is: 2oz Ristretto coffee 15ml + milk 70-75ml + thin milk foam.

When making Piccolo Latte, most of them use lightly roasted blend beans, which is a unique roasting style in Australia. The concentrate used to make Piccolo Latte is Ristretto, the liquid volume is about 9-15ml, then about 70-75ml of milk is added, and finally the latte is made with milk foam with the same thickness as the latte.

Piccolo Latte will make it easier to drink the taste of the coffee beans, which can highlight the flavor of the coffee. If you think that the latte contains too much milk, but you don't like bitter Espresso, Piccolo will be your good choice. The mouth is smooth and the temperature is pleasant, the milk at about 65 ℃ can bring out the lactose in the milk, and it is very sweet even without sugar. There is not much milk, so you can drink the sweetness and aftertaste of coffee, even if you drink a few more cups, it will not last.

5. Dirty coffee
Dirty coffee with a playful name is a unique coffee style that originated from a Japanese coffee shop. The coffee cups used by Dirty are first iced in the refrigerator, then put chilled fresh milk in the cups, and then pour 2oz of Ristretto espresso. The ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1.

When brewing, the barista adds Double Ristretto to the iced milk. Visually, the coffee is like tainted white fresh milk. The fusion of hot and cold brings a unique layered taste. If you want enough "dirty" visual effect, ordinary people can also use a spoon or straw to let the coffee liquid flow into the ice milk to achieve the purpose.

Dirty changes in taste, from thick to light and from dark to light, so creating a "contrast" is the logic of this drink. As the espresso is gradually diluted, the mellow sweetness gradually turns into a light sweetness, and the slightly iced milk slides over the taste buds, feeling clean and refreshing. From mellow to sweet, this is the dramatic performance of a perfect Dirty.

6. Australian White Coffee
Australian White Coffee: A cup of traditional Flat white is only about 160ml. It is made from 1oz espresso or double 15ml ristredo espresso mixed with milk. And Flat white milk is usually whipped to a high temperature of 71 degrees, and it is accompanied by a small amount of very fine and fluid milk foam.

"Flat white", as the name suggests, is a cup of coffee with a very flat taste. Because of the use of espresso with less liquid amount and the same amount of milk, the taste of Flat white coffee will definitely be weaker; moreover, in order to be suitable for breakfast, the milk is specially heated and sent to 71 °, and the lactose is decomposed at the same time. The sweetness of the milk is also reduced.
How many type of coffee a automatic packing machine can produce
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