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Filter coffee bag packing machine to Australia (2 Sets)!

Filter coffee bag packing machine to Australia (2 Sets)!

We are very honored to announce that two advanced filter coffee bag packing machine have been successfully exported to Australia. Thanks for support!

This is not only an affirmation of the quality of our machine, and the trust,  but also the start of long-term cooperation.

Below is the business story:
In 2023, I received an inquriy from Mr. Brad about the packaging machine for filter coffee, and after several talks, I send some sample bags to Australia.

In 2024, we have the visit from Mr. Brad couple. In the factory, we show the different machine and packing solution for coffee, and run test with coffee, talking with the difference between Drip coffee bag packing machine, and filter coffee bag packing machine.

Time came to September 2024, two sets of coffee packing machine is ready and sent out by sea shipment.

The two sets of coffee packaging equipment integrate the latest automation technology and environmentally friendly design concepts, aiming to improve the packaging efficiency and sustainability of production lines in Australia, instead of hand sealing. We hope that these equipment will bring significant optimization to customers' production processes and help further improve their market competitiveness.

I really hope these two set of packing machine would make this brand name in Australia coffee markets, and  bring me more chance in Australia.

Here again, we would like to express our special thanks for the trust and support, and I promise to continue to provide you with the highest quality products and services with full enthusiasm and professional attitude.


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