Drip coffee bag packaging machine delivery today - Same Australia Client buy Third Machine, Thank you for support!
The automatic Drip coffee bag packing machine is working efficiently, especially faster than hand sealing, so normally, for most of coffee roasters, one set of coffee packaging machine is already enough for Japanese drip filter coffee bag production and catch up to the sales. So what if you buy third set of ultrasonic sealing drip coffee bag packaging machine? From the 2018, stop by our factory to inspect our packing machine and learn the basic machine operation, to today for the third set of machine under delivery, may mean the big sales for drip coffee bags!
Do Australia market really consume so many drip coffee bag? From the Australia Coffee Market Trends and Analysis, comparing the sales for tea bag (We produced Pyramid tea bag packing machine too), Coffee consumtpion may dominate in Australia. Besides, when it comes to the international sales, so it tells.
Thanks again for trust and support!
Here comes to see the Youtube Video:
Here comes to the Japanse Drip Coffee Bag Materials: