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Coffee Bean Grinder and Coffee Syphone is a grinding tool that cuts and grinds coffee beans into coffee powder when the motor drives the mechanical cutter to rotate rapidly or by hand.
Coffee is native to Ethiopia. It was used as a drink in North Africa and West Asia for hundreds of years before its introduction into Europe in the 17th century. Coffee plantations have been opened in all hot and humid regions of the world, and coffee has become a popular beverage. But it takes a lot of work to make a delicious pot of coffee. The coffee beans must be ground into a fine powder. It's best to leave the ground coffee out of the cup with some sort of filter, although people in many places like to drink unfiltered coffee. Before the coffee grinder was invented, humans used a stone pestle and bowl to grind coffee beans. The ideal time to grind coffee beans is to grind them before cooking. Because the ground coffee is easy to oxidize and lose its aroma, especially without proper and proper storage, the coffee powder is also easy to change flavor, and naturally it is impossible to brew fragrant coffee.
Filter coffee machine: A filter coffee machine puts coffee powder into filter cloth or filter paper, and then pours hot water evenly on the coffee powder through pressurization to extract the ingredients in the coffee powder to form coffee liquid, and then filter the coffee liquid through filter cloth or filter paper.
Espresso machine: An espresso machine uses high-pressure steam to pass through coffee powder to extract the ingredients in the coffee powder to form a thick coffee liquid, which is then sprayed into the cup through a high-pressure nozzle.
Coffee brewer: A coffee brewer is a tool used to brew coffee manually. You can put coffee powder inside, add hot water, and extract the ingredients in the coffee powder by stirring and soaking.